Learn how to use the genitive case in Croatian

Nouns and adjectives in the genitive case in Croatian

Croatian language has seven cases. Genitive is the second case in Croatian. This case in Croatian is used with many prepositions and in order to learn how and when to use the genitive case, learn the words below. After them, we use the genitive case in Croatian. Some of the words used with the genitive case in Croatian are:

od (from), do (to), iz (from), između (between), bez (without), pored (next to), blizu (close to), iz (from), malo (a little), puno (a lot), nekoliko (a few), nema / ima (there’s no / there is)…

Adjectives and nouns in the genitive case in Croatian


novi mobitel (a new mobile phone) / nova majica (a new T-shirt) / novo ogledalo (a new mirror)

To show you how these adjectives and nouns change, I’ll just use ‘blizu=close to’. ‘Blizu’ is one of the words used with the genitive case.


SG (blizu) novog mobitela

PL (blizu) novih mobitela


SG (blizu) nove prijateljice

PL (blizu) novih prijateljica


SG (blizu) novog ogledala

PL (blizu) novih ogledala

VJEŽBA (Exercise)

Sometimes you need to use singular and sometimes plural.

1. Ja sam iz _________________ (sunčani Split). – I’m from a sunny Split.

2. Ona je iz __________________ (hladna Kanada). – She’s from a cold Canada.

3. Idemo kod ________________ (dobar prijatelj). – We’re going to our good friend’s (place).

4. Idem kod _________________(dobra prijateljica). – I’m going to my good friend’s.

5. To je odmah iza ___________ (veliko dvorište). – That’s right behind a big courtyard.

6. Idemo kod _________________ (dobar prijatelj,pl). – We’re going to our good friends’ place.

7. Idemo kod ________________ (dobar prijateljica, pl). – We’re going to our good friends’ place.

8. To je odmah iza ___________ (veliko dvorište, pl). – That’s right behind the big courtyards.


sunčanog Splita, hladne Kanade, dobrog prijatelja, dobre prijateljice, velikog dvorišta, dobrih prijatelja, dobrih prijateljica, velikih dvorišta